rdf | The namespace for the Resource Description Framework interface |
  vxt | An exception object with severity levels |
  URI | A shared pointer with constructors for the URI_ class |
  Model | A shared pointer with constructors for the Model_ class |
  ResourceNode | A shared pointer with constructors for the ResourceNode_ class |
  LiteralNode | A shared pointer with constructors for the LiteralNode_ class |
  BlankNode | A shared pointer with constructors for the BlankNode_ class |
  Statement | A shared pointer with constructors for the Statement_ class |
  Parser | A shared pointer with constructors for the Parser_ class |
  Serializer | A shared pointer with constructors for the Serializer_ class |
  Stream | A shared pointer with constructors for the Stream_ class |
  Query | A shared pointer with constructors for the Query_ class |
  ErrorClient | Client that is notified of errors and/or warnings |
  Universe | A singleton class responsible for managing the World objects |
  Format | Instructions for converting a node to a string |
  Prefixes | Manages the prefixes and namespaces for a World |
  Literal | Hold the value, language and data type for an RDF literal |
  World_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF World |
  Model_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Model |
  Node_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Node |
  ResourceNode_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Resource Node |
  LiteralNode_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Literal Node |
  BlankNode_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF blank Node |
  Parser_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Parser |
  Query_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Query |
  QueryResult_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Query Result |
  QueryResults_ | An abstract class defining the methods for a set of Query Results |
   iterator | Provide a C++ iterator over the results of a RDF query |
  QueryString | A class for assistingin the preparation of a SPARQL query |
  Serializer_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Serializer |
  Statement_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Statement |
  Stream_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Stream |
  URI_ | An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF URI |
 SASSY | The namespace for the Software Architecture Support System project |
  cdi | The namespace for the Common Development Infrastructure |
   Tester | Responsible for managing the testing |
   test_exception | Throw this to abandon a particular test case |
   scenario_exception | Throw this to abandon an entire scenario |
   TestEvent | Represent an event in the object under test |
   TestEventQueue | Responsible for queuing TestEvents |
   TestFactory | Responsible for creating an object that manages the resources for the entire test |
   TestFT | Responsible for creating a test object of the required type |
   AbstractTest | Responsible for managing resources needed for the entire test |
   TestT | Responsible for installing a factory for making test objects |
   DefaultTest | Provide a default version of the AbstractTest object |
   ScenarioFactory | Define a type for scenario factories |
   ScenarioFT | Responsible for creating a scenario of some type |
   ScenarioResults | Responsible for storing the results of testing for a scenario |
   AbstractScenario | Define a type for scenarios |
   ScenarioT | Responsible for installing a factory to create scenarios of the required type |
   DefaultScenario | Provide a default scenario object |
   TestCaseFactory | Define a base type for test case factories |
   TestCaseFT | Responsible for creating a test case of some type |
   AbstractTestCase | Base class for test cases |
   TestCaseT | Responsible for installing a factory for the test case |
   AsyncTestCase | Responsible for handling asynchronous tests |
   AsyncTestCaseT | Responsible for installing the factory for the test case type |
   CallTrace | Class to create a call trace |
   NullTrace | A class for dummy trace objects |
   Trace | This class is used to create trace log entries |
   Tracer | This class manages the tracing for an application |
  cfi | The namespace for the Common Facilities Infrastructure components |
   DiscoverPointer | Holds a pointer to a discoverable object |
   Discoverable | A mixin class that makes its owner discoverable |
   DiscoveryMgr | Manager for discoverable objects |
   FD | Wrap file descriptors in a class to ensure closed |
   fdoutbuf | An output stream buffer |
   fdostream | A file descriptor output stream |
   fdinbuf | An input stream buffer |
   fdistream | A file descriptor input stream |
   Semaphore | A semaphore for managing exclusive access to resources across multiple processes |
   SemaphoreLock | Mutual exclusion lock |
   logstream | A stream class specialized for logging |
   logger | An abstract base class used by the log stream to write logs |
   FormattingLogger | Class for producing a formatted log message |
   StdLogger | Class for logging to the std output streams |
   FileLogger | Class for logging to a file |
   PlainFileLogger | |
   UDPLogger | Class for logging to a logging server |
   TraceLogger | Class for logging tracing output |
   SystemLogger | Logger that interfaces to the Linux syslog |
   PlugIn | Base class for objects loaded from dynamically loaded libraries |
   AutoRunPlugIn | Base class for plug ins that are run immediately that the library is loaded |
   PlugInFactory | Base class for factories that create plug-in objects |
   PlugInFamilyFactoryT | Template base class for families of plug-in factories |
   PlugInFactoryT | Template class for factories |
   PlugInDescriptor | Descriptor for plug-ins that can be used by the application |
   PlugInDetails | Details of plug-ins as provided by the loaded library |
   PlugInLib | Manages an instance of a dynamically loaded shared library |
   PlugInMgr | Manage the handling of plug-in shared libraries |
   AbstractChildProcess | Abstract child process interface for ChildProcessMgr |
   ChildProcess | Represents the state of a child process |
   ProcessOwner | Interface that allows the owner of a child process to be notified |
   ChildProcessMgr | Manage the child processes |
   UDPSocket | An abstract base class with common stuff for UDP sockets |
   UDPClientSocket | A UDP client socket |
   UDPServerSocket | A UDP Server socket |
   XINI | Load an XML configuration file |
   Xml | A C++ wrapper for libxml2 |
  Path | Manipulate path strings |
  sxt | An exception object with severity levels |
 logbuff | A streambuf class specialized for logging |