SASSY  0.0
Software Architecture Support System
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SASSY::cdi Namespace Reference

The namespace for the Common Development Infrastructure. More...


class  Tester
 Responsible for managing the testing. More...
class  test_exception
 throw this to abandon a particular test case More...
class  scenario_exception
 throw this to abandon an entire scenario More...
class  TestEvent
 Represent an event in the object under test. More...
class  TestEventQueue
 Responsible for queuing TestEvents. More...
class  TestFactory
 Responsible for creating an object that manages the resources for the entire test. More...
class  TestFT
 Responsible for creating a test object of the required type. More...
class  AbstractTest
 Responsible for managing resources needed for the entire test. More...
class  TestT
 Responsible for installing a factory for making test objects. More...
class  DefaultTest
 Provide a default version of the AbstractTest object. More...
class  ScenarioFactory
 Define a type for scenario factories. More...
class  ScenarioFT
 Responsible for creating a scenario of some type. More...
struct  ScenarioResults
 Responsible for storing the results of testing for a scenario. More...
class  AbstractScenario
 Define a type for scenarios. More...
class  ScenarioT
 Responsible for installing a factory to create scenarios of the required type. More...
class  DefaultScenario
 Provide a default scenario object. More...
class  TestCaseFactory
 Define a base type for test case factories. More...
class  TestCaseFT
 Responsible for creating a test case of some type. More...
class  AbstractTestCase
 Base class for test cases. More...
class  TestCaseT
 Responsible for installing a factory for the test case. More...
class  AsyncTestCase
 Responsible for handling asynchronous tests. More...
class  AsyncTestCaseT
 Responsible for installing the factory for the test case type. More...
class  CallTrace
 Class to create a call trace. More...
class  NullTrace
 A class for dummy trace objects. More...
class  Trace
 This class is used to create trace log entries. More...
class  Tracer
 This class manages the tracing for an application. More...

Detailed Description

The namespace for the Common Development Infrastructure.

The cdi namespace is for components that are used during development of SASSY but are not part of the product used by a normal user.