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rdfxx.h File Reference

A C++ wrapper for Redland librdf. More...

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <rdfxx/except.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  rdf::URI
 A shared pointer with constructors for the URI_ class. More...
class  rdf::Model
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Model_ class. More...
class  rdf::ResourceNode
 A shared pointer with constructors for the ResourceNode_ class. More...
class  rdf::LiteralNode
 A shared pointer with constructors for the LiteralNode_ class. More...
class  rdf::BlankNode
 A shared pointer with constructors for the BlankNode_ class. More...
class  rdf::Statement
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Statement_ class. More...
class  rdf::Parser
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Parser_ class. More...
class  rdf::Serializer
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Serializer_ class. More...
class  rdf::Stream
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Stream_ class. More...
class  rdf::Query
 A shared pointer with constructors for the Query_ class. More...
class  rdf::ErrorClient
 Client that is notified of errors and/or warnings. More...
class  rdf::Universe
 A singleton class responsible for managing the World objects. More...
struct  rdf::Format
 Instructions for converting a node to a string. More...
class  rdf::Prefixes
 Manages the prefixes and namespaces for a World. More...
class  rdf::Literal
 Hold the value, language and data type for an RDF literal. More...
class  rdf::World_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF World. More...
class  rdf::Model_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Model. More...
class  rdf::Node_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Node. More...
class  rdf::ResourceNode_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Resource Node. More...
class  rdf::LiteralNode_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Literal Node. More...
class  rdf::BlankNode_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF blank Node. More...
class  rdf::Parser_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Parser. More...
class  rdf::Query_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Query. More...
class  rdf::QueryResult_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Query Result. More...
class  rdf::QueryResults_
 An abstract class defining the methods for a set of Query Results. More...
class  rdf::QueryResults_::iterator
 Provide a C++ iterator over the results of a RDF query. More...
class  rdf::QueryString
 A class for assistingin the preparation of a SPARQL query. More...
class  rdf::Serializer_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Serializer. More...
class  rdf::Statement_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Statement. More...
class  rdf::Stream_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF Stream. More...
class  rdf::URI_
 An abstract class defining the methods for an RDF URI. More...


 The namespace for the Resource Description Framework interface.


#define DEREF(A, b, c)   deref< A##_, _##A, b >( c )
 Simplify the template calls for dereferencing a shared pointer. More...


using rdf::World = std::shared_ptr< World_ >
 A shared pointer to a World object.
using rdf::WorldRef = std::weak_ptr< World_ >
 A weak shared pointer to a World object.
using rdf::NodeRef = std::weak_ptr< Node_ >
 A weak shared pointer to a Node object.
using rdf::QueryResults = std::shared_ptr< QueryResults_ >
 A shared pointer to a set of query results.
using rdf::StatementRef = std::weak_ptr< Statement_ >
 A weak shared pointer to a statement.
using rdf::Node = std::shared_ptr< Node_ >
 A shared pointer to a Node object.


enum  rdf::Concept {
  Container, Bag, Sequence, Alternative,
  aboutEach, List, first, rest,
  nil, Statement, object, predicate,
  subject, Resource, Class, subClassOf,
  type, Property, subPropertyOf, domain,
  range, ConstraintProperty, ConstraintResource, Description,
  label, seeAlso, comment, isDefinedBy
 An enumeration of RDF and RDFS concepts.
enum  rdf::DataType {
  UNDEF, PlainLiteral, XMLLiteral, XHTML,
  String, Boolean, Decimal, Integer,
  Double, Float, Data, Time,
  DateTime, DateTimeStamp, Year, Month,
  Day, YearMonth, MonthDay, Duration,
  YearMonthDuration, DayTimeDuration, Byte, Short,
  Int, Long, UnsignedByte, UnsignedShort,
  UnsignedLong, PositiveInteger, NonNegativeInteger, NegativeInteger,
  NonPositiveInteger, HexBinary, Base64Binary, AnyURI,
  Language, NormalizedString, Token, NMTOKEN,
  Name, NCName
 A enumeration of the data types available for RDF literals.


bool rdf::operator== (Statement, Statement)
 Check for equality of two statements.
bool rdf::operator== (URI, URI)
 Check for equality of two URIs.
template<class C , class P , typename T >
T * rdf::deref (std::shared_ptr< C > a)
 A template function that converts a shared pointer into the corresponding librdf pointer.

Detailed Description

A C++ wrapper for Redland librdf.

This file contains classes that provide a C++ interface to RDF models.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DEREF (   A,
)    deref< A##_, _##A, b >( c )

Simplify the template calls for dereferencing a shared pointer.

Relies on the naming convention for classes described above. A is the shared pointer type, b is the librdf type and c is the shared pointer object.